Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy Birthday, Judge Ethan Evan Carter!

The character of Judge Ethan Carter, played by Nick Mundis in our upcoming film project He Leadeth Me, was born January 12th, 1890. In 1932, during the Great Depression, Judge Carter would have turned 42 years old on January 12th. Because the 2011 calendar matches the 1932 calendar exactly, he would have celebrated his birthday this week!
- Character profile: Ethan, son of a United States army officer and a Norwegian immigrant, married Laura Brenow in 1914 and was appointed judge in the railroad town of Rock Valley, Iowa one year later at the age of 24. Soon, Ethan and his small family became the most affluent individuals in town. His integrity as justice has gained overwhelming approval and he’s been encouraged more than once to run for mayor. He politely refuses the offer. Laura and a second child, a boy, died during childbirth in 1921. In the midst of his grieving, Ethan hired help to care for his home and his only daughter. This has allowed him to continue his financial and professional affairs in Rock Valley, though his paycheck has slowly dwindled to nothing since the market crashed in 1929. Ethan has one younger brother living in Boston, also a judge.

Nick Mundis, "Judge Ethan Evan Carter" (courtesy Nick Mundis)

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